After realizing that yesterday was Superbowl Sunday, Jeff and I looked up the time ESPN would run the game on the Satellite stations.
3AM. Oh my.
Of course, it will be replayed in its entirety on Monday at a reasonable hour.
My hubby and I discussed how COOL it would be to actually watch the Superbowl AT THE SAME TIME as all of you dear American loved ones.
Think of it.
While you are eating some wonderful Super Bowlish snacks and dinner...sitting in living rooms watching the action...
We a FOREIGN LAND....could be bleary eyed...watching the action at the very moment you are.
Which would mean that on the day following the SuperBowl we could freely read the news on the emails with abandon having no fear that someone would inadvertently give the score away...before we saw the game.
Here's how it all went down.
We drank alot of caffeine around 10:30pm.
The caffeine kept Jeff buzzing until about 3:25am. He saw the kickoff and the first three scores...but couldn't keep his eyes open beyond that.
I, completely unaffected by the caffeine, fell dead asleep about 11:30pm....but woke up about 3:25am when Jeff was searching for the remote control to switch the TV off...
I forced myself awake for "just a few minutes" so I could see some of the gaming live. But, of course, found myself drawn into the terrific game and ended up staying awake longer than I expected. Sometime around the end of the second quarter, I dozed off and woke up to Prince with a head scarf (?) and two women in black dancing madly around him, flinging their very wet hair in all directions. I pulled myself away from the Artist Now Again Known as Prince, and I slept some more, but woke up after about two minutes of the third quarter...and stayed awake to the end.
Jeff slept like an angel beside me.
So I saw it all. The interceptions. The touchdowns. The field goals. The very wet spectators. (I didn't see any commercials. We wouldn't be missionaries if we weren't deprived of something!)
As it became obvious who the winner would be, I had to stay awake for the players to pour liquids on their already drenched coach.
It was delightful. I was thrilled. The SuperBowl live.
Then I realized it was 6AM. Yep. 6AM.
I began feeling the pain at that moment of stunning recognition. I had VOLUNTARILY sat up most of the night. No sick kids. No bad dreams.
Just the Superbowl. And a missionary missing her home culture so much that she would sit up all night to share in one super sports moment with her family and friends in America.
I can't believe I did it. Except that it really feels like I did. My brain is dead tired. And the coffee hasn't yet worked its magic.
Thankfully today is our day off. On the agenda....
More coffee....and the replay of the Superbowl with my husband and kids.
I'll probably sleep through the whole thing....:-)