It is the time of year for lists...Christmas card lists, wish lists, party attendees lists...
I love lists. I really do.
And I’m not alone. Others of you out there also feel the supreme joy of Making The List.
Currently, I have these lists written down and in process:
1. Thanksgiving prep for today's lunch
2. Groceries to buy in town
3. Paperwork to complete for the government
4. Computer To-Do’s
5. Christmas prep
6. Next Trip to Kampala groceries and supplies
I love them all.
But it’s funny. I am also good at keeping other lists.
You know. The List of how many ways someone has ever ticked me off. The List of all the injustices forced upon me in all of time. The list of all my losses...
These are not the lists I write down. Nor are they lists I am proud of. But, it is remarkable how quickly I can recall them in detail when I am hurt.
Why is it that when one situation brings pain…it revives the wounds of other situations that are similar? I stub my toe on some issue and out comes the “list”.
Recently, I read Tracey's thoughts concerning loss and grief. Tracey's thoughts and Sandi's comment about the "loss closet" have had me pondering.
I was affirmed when reading these things, that it is normal to revisit other losses when facing a new one.
I just need to be sure the visit doesn’t turn into a permanent situation.
Another blogging sister, whose writing touches me deeply, has been making a list over the last year called One Thousand Gifts. I have been convicted to start my own thankful list, in an effort to turn my focus...And give thanks.
I’ll be posting parts of the list over the next year. I’m working towards 1000….making note of the things that God is giving me everyday.
And I feel this is the perfect day to start ☺
1. New puppies.
2. My children laughing.
3. My husband reading the Bible to the children.
4. Cornbread Dressing.
5. My Mam-ma’s pie recipes.
6. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
7. Memories of wonderful family holidays.
8. Missionary community to share holidays with here.
9. Campfires with the kids.
10. Turkey,bacon sandwiches
11. Smores
12. My Blogland Sisters--your authentic sharing so often spurs me on to love and good deeds!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! May your list of blessings come quickly to mind during this holiday season...
(Feel free to grab this graphic and start your own list! Let me know if you do...)
I think that I will join you on this quest. I need to focus on God's gifts to me, too.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad that you are being blessed and I know that God is with you during these holidays. You're always in my prayers.
Hi Cheryl,
I am thankful for you too! God is great to weave such a beautiful tapestry of our lives (and other's) together for his glory!
Congrats on Baxter...he's cute!
Have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving! YOU are one of my greatest blessings. I love you and miss you very much. Reese
I deeply appreciate you, Cheryl.
Losses backlight blessing. Lessons in the loss closet may lead to the joy of now. But to feel all of the loss closet now, and let the Wounded Healer tend to the hurt.
And keep counting the gifts.
Most Blessed Thanksgiving...
I'm thankful for you! I can hardly wait to "hug your neck".
I hope that your Thanksgiving Day was wonderful.
Am using the graphic and idea on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7327555973
and my own blog
It is a great idea and helps to remember that He is the reason for our being.
#All good things around us, are sent from God above, then thank the Lord, then thank the Lord, for all His love.#
Hi Cheryl! I love your 1000 gifts idea! I'm joining you and copied your graphic! Blessings on you today!
Hi! I don't know you personally. I stumbled upon your blog through several others...I can't even tell you how I originally found it. Most likely through someone else living in Africa or possibly a friend from Harding. I love reading your thoughts and wanted to let you know I would love to copy your graphic and start this as well.
Thanks so much!
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