Some months ago, Jeff happened on an airplane hangar for sale on ebay. He began communicating with the seller who turned out to be a Christian very interested in foreign missions. After some amazing and very encouraging interaction, the man decided to donate the hangar to the mission in Ft Portal.
The only issue was how to get a huge double wide hangar across a nation and an ocean.
And then across two more nations.
I guess you could say we had a "mountain to be moved".
“No hill for a stepper,” as my dad used to say.
We started asking for help.
A friend of a friend of a friend….maybe you know this drill. In the church network, it is really incredible who you can find once you start looking. We connected with a gentleman living near (several hours) to where the hangar was located and he agreed to rally the troops at his congregation to get the job done.
When he asked for help at his church, the men there stepped up. Good grief did they ever!
A group of guys, whom we had never met accepted a very difficult challenge. Over a period of two or three weeks, men drove several hours into a desert to measure, clean, power wash, prime, cut, disassemble, label, load and secure a large metal building.
Because they love Jesus.
The reason was simple. The task was not.
The building was well packed, trucked across the country to Texas and now awaits other items to fill the box before it ships.
Unbelievable. Really.
Free stuff on Ebay.
A team of guys working very hard under difficult circumstances for strangers.
All to the Glory of God.
We honor and appreciate that service and will do all we can to use these offerings for the good of His Kingdom and for His purposes.
You never know how God is going to call you to serve. Or what hill will rise up in front of you.
Many, many thanks to these incredible guys for their labor and service!
We so appreciate you!
This is awesome. God works in many ways. One way is by sending people to work as a team, community, and process to create something great out of chaos.
I love that story...........your hubby sure BLESSED us at Yamhill
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