Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Glimpse

Glimpse: a momentary or partial view

Silas stopped by the kitchen for his snack break. It had been a whole 5 minutes since his last request for chocolate. A request that scored a banana. He was back to try again.

He could not stand still. Arms tugging at his shirt and hands tapping the table and eyes darting around the room.

“Mom. Could I have something to eat….like chocolate?”

I pause to take in this sweet, sweet boy. Growing seemingly before my very eyes.

And I catch a glimpse of something odd around his waist.

“What is that around your waist?!”

Head ducking…

“A rubber band.”

“Why is it around your waist?”

“Well, these shorts are too big and keep falling off, so I put a rubber band around them to keep them up.”

Matter of fact. Eyes searching my face for an explanation of my concern.

“Please take that off. Rubber bands can cut off circulation and cause problems. Belts are for your waist. Rubber bands are for…something else. NOT any body part. Ever.”

“Yes mam.”

And then up over his head (!) comes the rubber band and still in tact, he hands it to me and runs off to play.

Tugging at his shorts and shouting to his brothers…

“She said no to the chocolate.”


Sherilyn said...

Silas, Silas, Silas!!! I love that kid so much!!

Kristi said...

Praying a word of thanks for the angels that are on full-time duty around your home.

laura said...

I love the clarification of NOT ANY body part... it seems we have to get very specific with these little guys huh? Sure does make for some funny situations though! I remember when I told Nathan to go put on some underwear (oh the nakedness I battle daily) and he came out wearing a dozen pair... I didn't specify how many did I? Silly mommy! :)