September 12, 1997
“It’s Friday and I’m at the end of my 11th week of pregnancy. Other than the nausea, its hard to believe I’m pregnant. I think about you all day, every day. I’ve had malaria twice in 3 weeks so I’ve felt concerned for your wellbeing. I prayed by the hour that God would protect you and I feel peace that He is protecting you. I’ll be praying that prayer for you for a long time now---for God to protect you. I also pray for your heart as it develops. I pray God will create your heart to be one that seeks God and follows close to Him.”
December 1, 1997
“Since your dad and I were babies, God has been preparing us to serve Him. His plan was for your daddy and me to be married and serve Him together. He brought us here, to Uganda, to teach the Tooro people about Jesus. We have prayed very often for God to bless us with a family and now there is you! You are still forming inside my body, but God already has a plan and purpose for your life. He is developing you to enable you to serve Him. We pray that you will give your heart and life to Jesus. A close relationship with Him and with God is the very best thing I know and the very best thing I could wish for you.”
As long as I dreamed of being a Mommy, I dreamed of this day.
God has always Been, in your life. Your Dad and I confessed our faith some years ago. Your grandparents are God followers. Your great-grandparents were God followers. Stories of your Creator have been whispered over you and taught to you for your entire life. Prayers have surrounded your existence since before we even knew you were on the way.
But. You always have a choice. Our infinitely wondrous Lord, designed it that way.
And no matter how hard we wish deeply we long for it...
We cannot choose Faith for you. Your decision to follow after yours alone...
Last week, you publicly confessed your choice.
"I believe Jesus is the Son of God."
The incredible thing...the almost unspeakable
That your statement of not limited to what you understand now...
Your statement of Faith is...unlimited...because of Who He Always Is, Has Been and Will Be...
You will change, precious daughter. You will grow. You will stumble. You will learn. You will fall.
But, He will never change.
Who you confess Him to be today...He is.
And nothing can ever alter that.
May the enormity of that Truth, expand exponentially in your spirit every hour...every day...that you choose to believe...
He is the Son of God.
I love you, dearest Kinley.
We are all so proud of you!