Thursday, December 01, 2005


We flew out twice to Tyler after the initial visit. And after two pretty incredible meetings...and oh, so many prayers...we were invited to stay in Tyler for several months to become Glenwood's missionaries.

On our first Sunday at Glenwood, the elders announced that we had been taken on as missionaries.Some folks in that generous congregation errupted in applause. Applause.
I cried. Besides being overly hormonal..(reminder...HUGELY pregnant) I felt so amazed... so...hopeful...

Over the next months, I learned this about Glenwood:

1. Everyone is related to someone else at Glenwood---truly!
2. Glenwood LOVES to feed its people!
3. Glenwood LOVES children and became Home to my little ones very quickly.
4. Glenwood SEEKS...God, Jesus,the Spirit's leading... and they seek PEOPLE who are broken...people who are hurting..
5. Glenwood LOVES to WORSHIP!!!!!
6. Glenwood was God's chosen place for the Cash family and the Ft. Portal work.

Tyler became a haven for us. A place to re-charge and regroup. A place to belong.

Our Isaac was born, loved on, prayed over and blessed.

Our support team came together in a beautiful way as 6 precious couples agreed to serve the Uganda work from the States.

We worshipped and prayed and shared and planned.

We experienced the Glenwood Generosity in spades. Cars, an apartment, food, baby stuff, cup did runneth over!

I was overwhelmed every day I was there. Glenwood was more than I ever dreamed possible. My faith was renewed. My hope restored.

We were home.

1 comment:

Jim Coffey said...

So when were you in Tyler? I was in Longview 30 miles away from Tyler during 1986 until 1998. If we overlapped and I didn't get to go say hi I'm gonna be sad ...

East Texas is wonderful - but we're in Houston now and loving it.