I've been reading some meanderings from New Babyville...several of my friends are currently maneuvering through those early months of infant care...and it has spurred many thoughts.
The most predominant of which is..."We need to speak blessings...."
Those first few months of caring for a newborn are...monstrous. Every time. And to be honest...we DO forget. We move on through toddlerhood, potty training and school days and we forget those first early months. Once our turn has passed...we view our friends and their new teeny ones with awe and radiance:
"Babies are sooo cute!!"
"She is so blessed to be able to cuddle with that newborn!"
"These days pass all too quickly!"
And while Mom of New Baby agrees with the blessing of the bundle in her arms... the actual reality of her current circumstance is...the days of caring for infants can seem to drag unendingly...(and a chorus of tired AMENS echo across blogland...)
So, dear sisters...staying at home...nursing in the wee hours of the morning...staring at piles of laundry...wondering where the day went and what exactly you have accomplished...
I am amazed by you and all those who have gone before you. The diapering, nursing, bottles, sleepless nights, hall walking, rocking, tummy soothing, schedule keeping, fever checking, laundry doing folks.
You are amazing. The job you are doing astounds.
And in case you haven't heard it today...Thank you. For doing all you do and for forgiving yourself for all that you can't quite get to today.
You are effecting the world...by loving on that little one. He/she will be better able to cope, thrive and change their world because of the daily care you give them. Even when no one else sees.
Be sure...He sees. And He smiles on you. The tasks that receive no laud or attention...are honored by Him.
His Hands applaud you mightily.
...He does also see our mistakes. But don't fear. He has gentleness for you. (Sigh)
In a world full of unbelievable expectations and demands...Your Father offers His gentleness.
Accept it and rest in it...when you are exhausted...and past your limits...
Know that He waits to draw you in...to rest. He knows you need it. You are His child. Forever and for always.
So today...in prayer... I bless you with laughter to get you through those moments no one should realistically be able to get through...
I bless you with a nap...be it ever so short or blissfully long...be it your own or that two year old adjust ing to a new baby in the house
I bless you with satisfaction in a truly difficult and strenuous job
I bless you with rest...in your spirit as you hold that little miracle.
Blessings upon blessings friends....I am proud of you!